Futuristic Vision of HEGO
Electric companies are generally not very transparent about energy production, and with the shift to electric mobility, capital will move from oil producers to electric companies. It's likely that electric companies will be bought by oil companies, or vice versa, not only to maintain profits but also to produce the energy needed to power vehicles, still using hydrocarbons as before. In this scenario, only the engine would change from combustion to electric, without improving the planet's conditions and exploitation.
The HEGO community is driven to use only renewable sources primarily for competition with electric companies. Renewable sources are free, both for the distributor and for the environment.
The community will develop systems for energy storage and distribution, including recovering and regenerating used car batteries for energy storage. Development will be comprehensive, focusing on everything that can improve energy creation and distribution.
Anyone can develop their own distribution system to create a global, widespread network of energy distributors with zero-cost energy, providing affordable energy to users and increasing their own revenue. Thanks to royalties for developers, they will bring in technology and earn a percentage from each recharge. This is all managed by smart contracts that automatically distribute costs and earnings without human intervention, thus eliminating errors.